Stage 0 TNM Tis (Tumor in situ) This superficial, non-invasive carcinoma in situ is a very early cancer that has not spread below the membrane (mucosa) of the first layer of rectal tissue . Standard Treatment Because of its superficial nature, limited rather than radical surgery , as well as other procedures, may be used. Surgery may involve only cutting out the tumor itself (enucleation of the tumor) and a small wedge of tissue. Other options include electrocoagulation and external or internal (inside the rectum) radiation therapy for rectal sphincter preservation. Five-Year Survival Over 95 percent. Stage I ( See Stage 1 Colon Cancer Diagram ) (Dukes' A, BI) TNM T12, N0, M0 The cancer is confined to the lining or muscular wall of the rectum and has not yet spread anywhere else. In Dukes' A, the tumor is limited to the mucosa. In Dukes' B1, it is within the bowel wall. Standard Treatmnent Surgery will generally result in a cure.